Delhi Public School Surat

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430056)

Instilling good manners at an early age shapes responsible, caring adult who contribute positively to their communities. Days like Sharing Day help children to acquire good values and learn the joy of sharing. Shareware in school is a fun and interactive way for young children to learn about the importance of sharing and taking turns. So, the toddlers of Pre nursery at DPS Surat had an interactive ‘Sharing Day’ on 6th September 2024. Children were overjoyed as they shared their tiffins with each other displaying excitement. This also teaches them the value of collaboration and fairness. By engaging in shareware activities, children develop social skills, learn to work together and understand the joy of sharing both resources and experiences with their classmates. It was an unforgettable experience for the little ones.

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