Delhi Public School Surat

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430056)

The first drop of rain always brings a smile to our faces. It revives our souls and fills the surroundings with the beauty of fresh greenery. To acknowledge this blessed nature’s gift, DPS Surat conducted a special assembly on Friday, 28 June 2024 on the theme ‘Monsoon’, where our little Dipsites of Prep G, H and I delivered crucial insights about this season with fervent enthusiasm. During this special event, the children performed a captivating skit that beautifully portrayed how every creature relishes the joyous monsoon season. Their energetic dance moves and enchanting songs provided a visual feast for everyone witnessing the spectacle. What a lovely show it was! Our children filled our hearts with their smiles, laughter and enchanting performances.

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