Delhi Public School Surat

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430056)

“Cleanliness is important along with physical fitness, to attain a healthy body and mind. ” Teaching our kids, a healthy and hygienic lifestyle is something we’re passionate about at DPS Surat. Folks, there you have it! Our little ones of Prep A, B and C volunteered an illuminating assembly, themed ‘Health and Hygiene’ on 12/07/24. Let’s not overlook the power of a child-friendly yoga session, where each pose is a step towards mindfulness and relaxation, which they artfully exhibited. This creative expression is not just therapeutic; it’s a stepping stone to understanding empathy and kindness. They also performed a skit on personal hygiene and danced to memorialize the experience encapsulating important life lessons. Let us celebrate the health of our kids today, tomorrow, and every day that follows! Wash it. Clean it. Be safe.

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