Delhi Public School Surat

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430056)

As Anatole France once said, “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” On 6 October 2024, class VII students of DPS Surat had the unique opportunity to awaken that part of their souls during an insightful guest lecture by Ms. Ragini Bhandari, an alumna and accomplished dog trainer who runs a dog centre named Its Pawsibble. The session provided a comprehensive understanding of dogs, their behaviour, and how to interact with these loyal yet misunderstood creatures. Ms. Bhandari began by shedding light on the deep bond humans and dogs have shared throughout history. She emphasised how dogs navigate their world through their powerful

sense of smell rather than sight, offering a fresh perspective on how they interpret their surroundings. A major focus was on recognising dogs’ "4F" responses— Flight, Fight, Fidget, and Freeze—common behaviours when they feel threatened or stressed. She also discussed practical guidelines for interacting with dogs, encouraging students to approach them calmly, respect their personal space, and avoid direct eye contact with unfamiliar dogs. Additionally, she highlighted the legal protections dogs have under the Indian Penal Code, reinforcing the importance of preventing cruelty toward animals. The session concluded with a lively Q&A, where students eagerly explored how to better understand and care for dogs. Her insights left them with a greater appreciation for these “mute companions” and a sense of responsibility toward animal welfare.

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