Delhi Public School Surat

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430056)

On 21 December 2024, the students of Class XI A and B from DPS Surat visited the Surat Raktadan Kendra & Research Centre.The visit aimed to provide students with a practical understanding of advanced methods of cross-matching and various common tests conducted before blood donation. Students explored the functioning of advanced automated equipment used for analyzing parameters in hematology and the preservation of collected blood. The lab staff and chief doctors explained the mechanisms of testing and separating the different components of blood, as different ailments require specific components. Key highlights of the visit included discussions on the eligibility criteria for donation, the uses of donated blood and its derivatives, and how these can help or potentially cure various conditions.

The session emphasized the importance of donating blood and encouraged individuals to contribute to this noble cause. It also showcased the meticulous hygiene, precision, and care involved in preserving donated blood and performing cross-matching procedures between donors and recipients.

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