Delhi Public School Surat

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430056)

On 5 June 2024, the students of class XI A and XI B visited SteamHouse India Limited, a pioneering waste-to-steam industry located in Sachin GIDC. Established in 2014, this industry is the first of its kind in India, dedicated to promoting eco-friendly energy solutions and significantly reducing the carbon footprint. SteamHouse India Limited specializes in producing high-quality steam using a community boiler, generating superheated steam at temperatures between 1100 to 1300 degrees Celsius, which is metered and supplied to various industrial units. The purpose of the visit was to educate students about sustainable, eco-friendly practices and provide a practical understanding of concepts discussed in their classrooms. The visit commenced with a presentation detailing the functioning of the steam plant, accompanied by verbal explanations. Students observed the process of steam production in the common boiler and its distribution. The plant utilizes various types of agro waste fuels, including briquettes, pellets, and liquids, which contribute to sustainability goals by reducing carbon emissions and waste generation. 

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