The students of the Primary block started the new year with a morning enriched with classical grace on 4th January 2025 with yet another part of the Paramapara Dance series – Mudrabhinaya! Mudrabhinaya is a key element in Indian classical dance, particularly Bharatanatyam. It refers to the expressive use of hand gestures to convey meaning and emotions. The dance department presented a step by step introduction of the various hand gestures, known as mudras which aree not just decorative movements but a codified language that can depict characters, objects, stories, and even abstract concepts. They depicted how the beauty of Mudrabhinaya lies in its ability to transform the dancer's hands into a visual vocabulary, enriching the narrative and emotional depth of the performance. Through precise positioning of fingers, palms, and wrists, they taught the students how to communicate a wide range of ideas, from the simple act of offering a flower to the complex portrayal of divine love or cosmic energy. They also showed how Mudras can be combined with facial expressions, eye movements, and body postures to create a multi-layered and nuanced storytelling experience. The highlight of the day was when they presented the Panchatantra story through an impeccable performance using Mudrabhinaya! It held the audience engrossed as they deciphered the meaning of each mudra and expression.