Delhi Public School Surat

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430056)

Van Mahotsav, is an annual tree-planting movement in India celebrated every year in the first week of July. It was initiated in 1950 by K.M. Munshi, and aims to create awareness about the importance of tree conservation. During this week, millions of trees are planted across the country to combat deforestation, promote environmental sustainability and enhance biodiversity.

The students of Class III - I too celebrated this festival through their class assembly on 25th June 2024, Tuesday. They shared the importance of Van Mahotsav by a beautiful song urging the audience to sow and grow saplings to replenish the nature around us.

They dressed up as various trees and conveyed the message of growing more trees, saving the existing ones and highlighted ways to save seeds and gift saplings thus instilling conscious contribution towards nature through a skit. The vibrant dance featured the interaction and dependency of the flora and fauna. The event ended on a high note, with the hope that these young environmentalists would continue to spread awareness and take action to protect our natural resources.

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