Near Airport, Surat-Dumas Road
Post - Gavier, Surat - 395007
91-261- 2204500
Note: All '*' marked fields are mandatory.
Please mention 'NA' if not applicable.
Sibling Detail (only real brother / sister currently studying in this school)
Sibling :
Tick this only if candidate’s real brother and sister is studying in DPS Surat.
Student Information
Address Information
Father's Information
Mother's Information
I/We understand that if any of the above information is found to be incorrect or false, my/our ward shall be automatically debarred from the selection / admission process without any correspondence in this regard. I/we also understand that the application / registration / shortlisting does not guarantee admission to my ward. I/We accept the process of admission undertaken by the school and I/we undertake to abide by the decision taken by the school authorities. I have read all guidelines and information provided on the school website and promise to abide by the rules formulated and modified by the school from time to time. I also understand and agree that in all matters pertaining to admission, the decision of the school authorities will be final and binding.
It is mandatory to read the
Terms and Conditions for Online Payment of Registration Fee before proceeding to make payment. Clicking on "Agree" will imply your acceptance of these
Terms and Conditions.
Please verify Class applied, Date of Birth and Names of Candidate and Parents before proceeding for Payments.